At last,We got the actual image of the most anticipated device of 2017,Samsung Galaxy S8.It is the device we have been eagerly waiting for. Based on the image, the bezels are less and the screen ratio has been increased compared to its predecessors. The phone lacks hardware keys and goes completely with onscreen keys. The phone may have changes in icons and appearance as Samsung may have made some changes to its UI. The phone is powered by Snapdragon 835 with 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of internal memory. The phone sports dual 12MP camera.
Leaked Image of Samsung Galaxy S8 Samsung Galaxy S8 to feature 4K Screen that we all know.Leaks confirm that Samsung Galaxy S8 to be featured with 5.5" 4K UHD Display with pixel density of 808 ppi.4K display gives better VR experience.With Quad HD,VR viewing is inconsistent.So,4K display will solve this problem.Rumours and leaks also suggest that it also features dual rear camera for capturing high end pictures.
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