Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 is rumoured to be the successor of the company's latest chipset Snapdragon 835.Snapdragon 850 will power the high end flagship devices coming in early 2018.Let's see what we can expect from SD 850.
Number of Cores: 8(Octa Core)
Clock Frequency: 3 GHz(or 2.7 GHz)
Supported RAM Amount:up to 8 GB or go beyond up to 12 GB based on some rumours.
Supported RAM Module:LPDDR4
Bluetooth: 5
GPU: Adreno 550
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n/ac/ad/x
Integrated Modem: Qualcomm X50
Supported Network:5G(up to peak speed of 5 GBps).
Supported Display: 4K UHD
Devices expected to be powered by Snapdragon 850 are:
Samsung Galaxy S9
OnePlus 6
Xiaomi Mi 7
Number of Cores: 8(Octa Core)
Clock Frequency: 3 GHz(or 2.7 GHz)
Supported RAM Amount:up to 8 GB or go beyond up to 12 GB based on some rumours.
Supported RAM Module:LPDDR4
Bluetooth: 5
GPU: Adreno 550
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n/ac/ad/x
Integrated Modem: Qualcomm X50
Supported Network:5G(up to peak speed of 5 GBps).
Supported Display: 4K UHD
Devices expected to be powered by Snapdragon 850 are:
Samsung Galaxy S9
OnePlus 6
Xiaomi Mi 7
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